Cologne (DE) / Walkersville, MD (USA), 2 May 2018 – On 16 May 2018, Lonza is hosting a free 60-minute webinar on innovative technologies for building advanced human liver culture platforms that better mimic common liver diseases, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, liver fibrosis and hepatitis B viral infection.
The webinar will offer valuable insights into primary human hepatocytes and other liver cell types, such as hepatic stellate cells, and how they can be used to create more physiologically relevant human liver culture models. The benefits of using long-term cell characterization and drug validation data will also be discussed. The webinar will conclude with an outlook on emerging trends that could reshape liver disease research and drug discovery to the benefit of patients worldwide.
During the webinar Dr. Salman Khetani, renowned researcher from the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Illinois, Chicago (USA), will explore:
- Drug discovery related to liver diseases
- Methods for building advanced liver models
- Emerging trends in liver disease research
Anyone interested in attending the webinar can register here.
Date: Wednesday, 16 May 2018
8 AM PDT (Los Angeles)
10 AM CDT (Chicago)
4 PM BST (London)
5 PM CEST (Berlin)
Further information can be found on the Hepatocytes/ADMETox product page. All webinar registrants will receive a link once the recording is available to view “on demand” via the Lonza website.
More information about Lonza's upcoming webinars is available here: