Lonza Capsules & Health Ingredients’ latest clinical research adds to 20+ years of science proving UC-II® undenatured type II collagen supports joint health at every age
Greenwood, SC, USA, 4 May 2022 – Lonza Capsules & Health Ingredients, a leader in consumer and patient healthcare with a combined history and expertise of 100 years, announced today the publication of a new clinical study evaluating the effects of UC-II® undenatured type II collagen on joint health and mobility. According to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data, the average adult loses over one degree in range of motion every decade. This study shows that UC-II® undenatured type II collagen can help return the range of motion by 10 years or more, significantly impacting life fulfillment.1
While previous studies established the benefits of UC-II® undenatured type II collagen among older populations, these new insights show the benefit in younger populations of healthy subjects.
Lonza evaluates UC-II® undenatured type II collagen and range of motion in healthy adults
The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study investigated the effects of a 40 mg daily dose of UC-II® undenatured type II collagen. Ninety-six active, healthy male and female subjects (20 to 55 years old) experiencing pain with physical activity were recruited. Subjects were studied over six months, evaluating joint flexibility, joint discomfort, and daily step count.
Results were published in two separate papers—one focused on knee flexibility and the second focused on joint discomfort.
Key research findings
This new research substantiates that UC-II® undenatured type II collagen:
- Is clinically proven to significantly improve joint flexibility—15 times better than placebo—and helps joints feel 10 years younger by restoring 3.23 degrees of knee flexion
- Helps reduce joint discomfort after physical activity and significantly decreases knee discomfort when twisting/pivoting the knee, walking downstairs, and walking on a flat surface compared to placebo at 180 days
- Makes walking more comfortable, helping people hit their daily step goals—people taking UC-II® undenatured type II collagen walked over 1/4 mile (0.4 km) more per day compared with placebo
1 Soucie et al. (2010, November 11). Range of motion measurements: reference values and a database for comparison studies. Haemophilia, e-pub. Republished by Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Normal Joint
Range of Motion Study. Retrieved July 20, 2021, from cdc.gov/ncbddd/jointrom/.