Proteins often undergo a variety of post-translational modifications (PTMs) after their initial synthesis, including phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, and glycosylation, among others. These modifications are essential for regulating a protein’s final structure and function. PTMs can dramatically influence a protein's activity, stability, localization, and interactions with other molecules. They play a crucial role in the biological processes and therapeutic applications of proteins. Understanding these modifications is critical for the development of protein-based therapeutics, as they can impact efficacy and safety profiles. This article will specifically focus on glycosylation, a key PTM with significant implications for antibody function and effectiveness.

Monoclonal AntibodyWhat is Glycosylation?

Glycosylation is the process by which sugar molecules (glycans) are enzymatically attached to proteins or lipids. This modification can alter the protein's structure, stability, solubility, and biological activity. In antibodies, glycosylation occurs mainly on the Fc region, influencing its interaction with immune cells. 

Types of Glycosylation 

  • N-linked Glycosylation: Glycans are attached to the nitrogen atom (N) of asparagine residues within a specific amino acid sequence motif.
  • O-linked Glycosylation: Glycans are attached to the oxygen atom (O) of serine or threonine residues. This type is less common in antibodies but still can occur.

Importance of Glycosylation

  • Functional Modulation: Glycosylation can enhance or reduce an antibody's ability to trigger immune responses, such as antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC).
  • Stability and Solubility: Proper glycosylation ensures the stability and solubility of antibodies, preventing aggregation and degradation.
  • Pharmacokinetics: Glycosylation can influence the half-life of antibodies in the bloodstream, affecting their therapeutic efficacy.

Challenges in Manufacturing Glycosylated Antibodies

  • Consistency: Ensuring consistent glycosylation patterns across different batches of antibodies is challenging due to the complex nature of glycan biosynthesis.
  • Control: Controlling the specific glycan structures added during production requires sophisticated bioprocessing techniques and robust cell lines.

The Role of Fucose in Glycosylation

Fucose is a common sugar found in the glycans of antibodies. Its presence or absence can affect antibody function:

  • Fucosylated Antibodies: Typically have reduced ADCC activity because fucose inhibits the interaction between the Fc region and FcγRIIIa receptors on natural killer (NK) cells
  • Afucosylated Antibodies: Exhibit enhanced ADCC activity due to the improved interaction with FcγRIIIa receptors, making them more effective in targeting and destroying infected or cancerous cells.

Cell Line for Enhanced ADCC

To increase the therapeutic potency of monoclonal antibodies, cell lines that can produce antibodies with enhanced effector function have been engineered. One such cell line is Lonza's GS Effex® cell line. Derived from the GS Xceed® cell line, GS Effex® is engineered to lack the enzyme α1,6-fucosyltransferase, which is responsible for adding fucose residues to core glycan structures. As a result, this cell line produces antibodies that are free of fucose with enhanced ADCC activity. Importantly, it retains all the desirable bioproduction performance attributes of the GS Xceed® cell line – such as titres, growth profiles and product quality and stability - making it an industrially relevant choice for therapeutic antibody production.


Understanding and controlling glycosylation is crucial for the development of effective therapeutic antibodies. The ability to fine-tune glycan structures can lead to improved stability, efficacy, and overall therapeutic outcomes. 

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